Software Update Explained
Update Procedure from 2.7.xx to 2.8.xx
Update Firmware Via Python Script
Follow these steps when there is an update with a change in the second version number (i.e. from 2.7.xx to 2.8.xx).
You need
- a PC or Mac
- Download and Install Python: download python
- The Whale Ticker connected to the PC via an USB data cable Typically under windows, the correct USB drivers will be installed automatically. If not, you need to install the USB drivers, you can find the right ones here under downloads:
Clicks Start button and search for CMD, Right Click on CMD and click on "Run as administrator"
Type in CMD Window.
Folder C:\ (If folder on CMD show example: C:/Windows/System32 Type Twice 'cd..' to go roof folder.
Check if python installed.
> python --version
Should return something like Python 3.9.4
This is how to install esptool
> pip install esptool
Is the esptool installed?
> python -m esptool version
Should return something like v3.0
Is the Whale Ticker connected correctly?
> python -m esptool --no-stub chip_id
Should return something like v3.0
Serial port COM3
Detecting chip type... ESP8266
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: 50:02:91:58:03:37
Enabling default SPI flash mode...
Chip ID: 0x00580337
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
Download the SPIFFS file e.g. whaleticker_spiffs_v2.8.0.bin and execute
python -m esptool --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp8266 --baud 460800 write_flash 0x200000 <path_to_download>/whaleticker_spiffs_v2.8.0.bin
After this was successful, you have to install the matching firmware itself.
Download the firmware e.g. whaleticker_v2.8.0.bin and execute
python -m esptool --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp8266 --baud 460800 write_flash 0x0 <path_to_download>/whaleticker_v2.8.0.bin
Or both together
python -m esptool --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp8266 --baud 460800 write_flash 0x0 <path_to_download>/whaleticker_v2.8.0.bin 0x200000 <path_to_download>/whaleticker_spiffs_v2.8.0.bin
That’s all.
After a reboot, the Whale Ticker starts with the new version – enjoy!
If the Whale Ticker does not startup after update attempts
You can erase the Whale Ticker completely (you cannot damage it).
After that, install the firmware again, as described above.
Unfortunately, after this a new setup ist necessary.
python -m esptool erase_flash
These are the current links to download the binary files:
Upgrade from 1.7 to 2.7
When your Whale Ticker is already on Version 1.7.*, you can update via the browser update method.
Update Firmware Via Browser (Setting Page)
- download one of the firmware binary files below
- from the settings page, go to about (link in the footer)
- click on Update, then on Really?
- Whale Ticker reboots in update mode
- the page changes to http:://<ip>/update (corresponding to the shown QR code)
- select the downloaded firmware file and click on update button
- Whale Ticker reboots and shows its update message
- that’s it – enjoy :-)
New features
- Second currency can be shown as value, market cap. or volume
- More stable behavior when coin gecko API fails